Prebid 8.38.0 Release
234 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
In This Release
馃殌 New Features
- New bidder adapter : RixEngine (#11035)
- 33Across User ID sub-module: Introduce first-party ID support (#10714)
- Core: rendering logic overhaul, PUC-less native rendering (#10819)
- Euid id module: cstg opt out enforcement (#11075)
- Kimberlite Bidder Adapter: initial commit (#11032)
- AdButler Bid Adapter: Add AdButler bid adapter (#11011)
馃洜 Maintenance
- Unified ID 2.0 Module: Update documentation (#11105)
- Alkimi Bid Adapter: add custom user object (#11093)
- Reset Digital Bid Adapter: updating users syncs (#11126)
- Consent Management : cleanup references to allowAuctionWithoutConsent (#11129)
- adstir Bid Adapter : add reference about the version requirement (#11127)
- Bump ip from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 (#11124)
- Yieldmo Bid Adapter: send topics as string for request (#11121)
- LiveIntent UserId module: Add support for openpath (#11119)
- Zeta Global Ssp Adapter: remove null values from payload (#11092)
- Readpeak Bid Adapter : remove click url encoding (#11120)
- AJA Bid Adapter: add Supply Chain Object Module support (#11111)
- Greenbids Analytics Adapter: define split between exploratory and non exploratory sides of the sampling (#11104)
- ZetaGlobalSsp Analytics Adapter: keep only needed fields in event (#11107)
- 33Across User ID module: Change ID expiration from 90 to 30 days (#11130)